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Tri-Art Jelly Beans (Pack of 12)

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Tri-Art Jellybeans are small pieces of bamboo, roughly 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" with two holes in their side. Using the supplied modeling clay, you can easily fix them to the wall, leaving no residue when removed. Locate the Jellybeans on windows, problematic corners, irregular shapes, bookcases, columns, or the front wall. Small and discreet, they draw no attention to themselves, yet they can greatly influence the sound of your room. ## Properly installed -- paying attention to height and width along with strategic locations such as trouble spots like glass, and windows, the effect is audible and beneficial. It's an inexpensive and fun product, one that can train you to be a discernable listener, and to hear the audible effect of strategic placement of the ‘beans’. And apart from the better sound, your jelly beans have started the process of making you a better and more confident listener.Use on windows, mirrors ceilings, front walls behind speakers, windows, bookcases, speakers, subwoofers, furniture, and many more uses. Create elaborate designs in trouble spots like low ceilings. ‍

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  • Set of 12
  • Modeling clay included
  • Solid Constrained Layer Bamboo
  • Hemp Oil Finish
  • 1” x 0.5” x 0. 5” (25.4mm x 12.7 MM x 12.7 mm

About This Product

All Specifications

  • Set of 12
  • Modeling clay included
  • Solid Constrained Layer Bamboo
  • Hemp Oil Finish
  • 1” x 0.5” x 0. 5” (25.4mm x 12.7 MM x 12.7 mm

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